Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Holy Crap, Look At This Guy...

I've actually had this animation finished for a while, I've just never gone and rigged up the camera to record a video of it until now.  It's a full character animation and I went ahead and filmed it from a couple angles so you can get a good look.  I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out.  Obviously the texture work is pretty much nonexistent, but I was doing this purely for the animation aspect of it.  I will go ahead and say I did not make the base rig (the actual dude) but I did sculpt and rig up all of the armor around him myself as well as all of the scenery.  Since this is multiple videos, I'll put most if this after the jump.  Enjoy.

Here's some stills to kick things off.  Videos after the jump.

The first video shows just the character with the camera tracking him through the scene.

Next up is the wide shot showing the whole scene.

And finally, the target board deserves some appreciation, especially after all the fuss that went into making it.

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