This first one was my attempt at paper lithography. The idea was to create a composition involving 3 of my favorite things (Ancient Egypt, astrology, and manta rays), and 3 of my least favorite things (mosquitoes, the edges of paper, and bad navigation).
The second print is more me messing around and experimenting with creating texture in an intaglio print. I etched the negative onto a sheet of Plexiglas with a variety of tools but the most helpful by far was my trusty Dremel.
The next two are my first attempt at monotype printing, which is basically like painting onto Plexiglas and then smashing that against a piece of paper. They're meant to be 2 different views of a city from a book who's title escapes me. Basically, it's got a desert on one side and an ocean on the other.
Lastly, but certainly not leastly.... leastly? Finally, I have the set I'm most proud of. This is a set of 8 prints, all 20" x 22"monotypes depicting the life cycle of a star and placing that in parallel with the festivals that occur throughout the Wiccan calendar, also known as the Wheel of the Year. I actually got a lot of the inspiration for the design of this set from the fireworks show Illuminations: Reflections of Earth from Epcot at Disney World. I highly recommend it. The music in particular.